Helena Blavatsky birth chart (rectification, part 5)

So picking up where we left off, Helena is now in the USA as of July 1873. At least one source (which I cannot locate) indicates her father died 27 July after she arrived in the US. That would fit with the transit of Pluto square her natal IC/MC as noted upon her arrival in the US. But without certainty, I won’t bother making a chart for it.

In late January 1875 she injured her leg and knee. Looking at the transits for the 29th we see Pluto at 20.8° Taurus, indicating natal Asc 19.8 – 21.8°. I’ve noted other transits, but the Pluto transit is most important because it resulted in a later debilitated condition.

By May it had grown worse, but she refused the recommended treatment of amputation. That month Pluto ranged 21.9 – 22.6° Taurus, which points to an Asc 20.9 – 23.6°, but because of its position when she originally injured her leg end of January (19.8 – 21.8°), this effectively narrows the range for the natal Asc to 20.9 – 21.8°. No need for a chart here, but I’m going to bump the chart forward to 0:10 AM.

Marriage #2 – 3 April 1875 – to Michael Betanelly. As usual here I use the next day at 0:00 UT since that gives an evening time on the 3rd here in the US. I cannot find a birth date for him, so there’s no way to do a synastry, which might be a moot point anyway since the marriage was just a front, essentially a business arrangement.

We can be confident that Pluto does mark the degree area of the DC by quincunx transit. So there’s no doubt left that the natal DC should be around 21°. Mars is just into the 7th (and parallel natal DC). Mercury’s position at 16PIS47 in this evening chart suggests a square to an Asc figure no more than +5.5° = 22.3° Gemini. When we add the approximate position of Mercury (say 16.5°) to Mars (16.3°), Saturn (23°), and Pluto (21.3°) we get approximately 21.3°, which I think is closer to the correct natal Asc figure.

This marriage broke off after several months and Betanelly sued for divorce. This is not surprising with Pluto transiting the natal DC by quincunx aspect while Saturn was up near the MC. So we’ve got events that show changes to body and close relationships very much indicated by Pluto.

More to come …
Part 6: conclusion

About Kannon McAfee

Astrologer, herbalist and poet. Kannon means Kwan Yin, Goddess of compassion.
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