Constitutional Health Questionnaire

This is a contact form for requesting a consultation with me as an herbalist and health and wellness coach. I do this on a no-obligation, donation basis.

All your information is kept in strict confidence and your form is deleted from this site as soon as I receive it.

I use your responses to determine which herbs and natural remedies (and possibly other healing modes) will work best for you.

When your questionnaire arrives in my email box I will go over it carefully and respond with recommendations, and we can set an appointment time by phone if needed.

Be sure to read the Constitutional Strength page (opens in new tab) and estimate it (first question below).

Part 1 – basic body patterns

Rate these 1-10 (1 is poorest, 10 is best). Comment as needed.


How much water do you drink daily?
What other types of beverages?

Sleep: how many hours per night average?
Do you usually wake refreshed?
How often is sleep interrupted and about what time?

Part 2 – history and constitutional patterns

What best describes your personality:
(a) competitive, fighting spirit, survivor, not afraid of confrontation;
(b) sensitive, empathic, reactive, avoids confrontation;
(c) steady, stability-oriented, organized, reasonable.

Any chronic skin condition?
If so, what age did it start?
Where on your body?
Describe well.

Any other chronic, life-long condition?

Do you have a paradoxical reaction to drugs or stimulants? (caffeine calms you down, sedatives perk you up, etc)
Or do you have a high sensitivity to drugs?

Any injuries to head or spine?
Describe each, no matter how minor or far back — including surgical operations.

MEDICAL – describe as needed

Do you have any medical diagnoses for conditions you’ve not overcome?

Do you have past medical diagnoses that you’ve overcome?

Major medical procedures:

Any problem drugs that have changed your health?

What is the mental state or emotion you have the most trouble with?

What part(s) of your body give you the most trouble. Describe.

What type of aches/pain(s) do you experience?
Rate each with intensity level (1-10).

Consult by phone – if in US or Canada.
Please give your phone number, time zone, and days/times you are available.

I appreciate any feedback on this questionnaire. If you have any ideas on how it can be improved, please let me know. Thank you.

Donation options for your reference.
I recommend everyone wait until they get positive results before donating. No obligation. You owe me nothing if I cannot help you.

– Facebook messenger pay. Find me there as Kannon McAfee. Send friend request or message me first.
– Paypal: ask me for the email on my account
– Venmo (wife’s): Heather-McAfee-8
– Cashapp (wife’s): $HRM197